Our Mission Statement

The mission of the Belleville Seventh-Day Adventist Church is to work Together Building up God’s kingdom, Being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, and Proclaiming the everlasting gospel by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

The Belleville Church family is in love with Jesus

We want to know Him more fully through Bible study (John 5:39) and through praise (Psalm 22:3). We desire to act as His body (1 Corinthians 12:27), in sharing His love through practical acts of service (Acts 10:37,38) and through pointing people to Scripture (the Bible) where they can taste and see that God is good (Psalm 34:8). The first chapter of Revelation (the last book in the Bible), written by John, the “beloved disciple” (John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7,20), provides an excellent overview of our beliefs.

Discovering Revelation

Click below for the past recordings of our past series!


John identifies the importance of the “word of God”. The Word of God is something that will bless those who read, hear and keep their lives in harmony with its teachings. “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place.


We believe that while everyday of the week is the Lord’s (Psalm 118:24), that the seventh day is in a special sense the Lord’s day (Exodus 20:8-11) on which He calls us to rest in His grace.

Church Activities

Take a look at past activities!


Michigan Pathfinder Fair 2023

Lot’s of exciting happenings at the Michigan Pathfinder Fair 2023.  Our own David Canada was invested as a Master Guide and our club, the Ann Arbor Anchors, was featured in…

Book Ministry!

We are so blessed at Belleville church to have Jill and Lorraine who supply this Laundromat with books, GLOW tracts and prayers. They faithfully refill the racks and bring home…

Worship with us

Saturday – Sabbath
    10:00am: Sabbath school
    11:25am: Worship service

Wednesday – Prayer Meeting
    7:00pm: Prayer meeting